Fox Valley Memory Project
1800 Appleton Rd
Menasha, WI 54952
Living with dementia can be isolating for both the diagnosed individual and their caregivers. Maintaining social connections enhances the quality of life for dementia patients by
promoting feelings of happiness, fulfillment, and purpose. Research has proven that having strong social connections can also
buffer caregiving stress and enhance positive aspects of the caregiving experience.
We hope that you can find many options for social interactions with us! Find out more about our offerings below:
Our Mindworks program provides structured activities that promote cognitive engagement, creative expression, movement and social engagement. The program includes lunch and respite care.
A comfortable gathering (with some structure activities) that provides an opportunity for care partners and their loved one to connect and socialize while building new support networks.
Participants, care partners and friends meet at a local restaurant to enjoy lunch together.
Outings of various types (bus trips, sports events, performances, etc.) are offered periodically at locations throughout the area. Our staff/volunteers participate in each outing to provide extra support for the group.
On A Positive Note (OAPN) Chorus
A wonderful opportunity for people with dementia and their care partners to sing together in our chorus.
Check out our full calendar for all of our current & upcoming events and
be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on all of the latest happenings at FVMP.
Fox Valley Memory Project works to create dementia-friendly communities where the fear and isolation often associated with dementia are eased by connecting people with one another and with resources to live well with dementia.
Registered 501(c)(3). EIN: 82-3556549
1800 Appleton Rd
Menasha, WI 54952
Map - Directions